EISA AWARDヨーロピアンカメラ 2009-2010受賞
EISA – European Imaging and Sound Association
The Olympus PEN E-P1 is an elegant camera with an appealing retro design. The camera utilises the new mirror- and prism-less Micro Four Thirds system, which allows the E-P1 to be very compact and lightweight. Besides the compact Micro Four Thirds lenses, users can fit existing Four Thirds, OM and Leica M mount lenses to the body via an adaptor. As the sensor is larger than that found in compact cameras better image quality and lower noise levels can be achieved. The camera doesn’t have a viewfinder but the LCD provides a clear view even in bright conditions.
そうかマウントアダプターつけてLeicaのレンズつかえばいいのか。かっこよすぎる予感がしたのでさっそく「OLYMPUS PEN E-P1 ライカ」でググってみたらかっちょいいのでてきました。いいなーいいなー。